Patrick, Shannon and Emma's PhotoBlog
Patrick Sullivan, Shannon Sullivan, and their daughter, Emma, of Atlanta, GA have created this little 'Blog to allow us to share our lives, news, photos and thoughts with our family and friends. We hope you enjoy this little introspection!
Halloween 2005 with Haygood UMC Youth
Patrick and Shannon decided (well, Shannon mostly while Patrick moaned and complained) to go in a '50's theme. Patrick seemed to think that acting like a fool named Fonzie would be appropriate. Shannon went in typical "poodle skirt" attire.
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Mike Szalkowski brought his new dog to the party. This dog had been rescused from Louisiana during Katrina and was adopted by the family. I'm wondering if the Animal Rights Group knows that Mike has dressed his dog up as a football for Halloween?!?! Anyway, it was a hoot and the dog didn't seem to mind after getting used to the whole charade.
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Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf made an appearance . . .
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Sarah Balke and Kate McGlamry showing off a couple of the more, uh, hot (?) Halloween costumes.
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In maybe the funniest part of the entire party, the Michael Jackson video, "Thriller", was shown and there was a "contest" to see who could do the best impression of Jackson/Zombie-guy from the video. Needless to say, it was a hoot (and the red-eye from the photos made things ever freakier than the bad dance moves).
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More bad dancing to "Thriller" . . . FYI, the outfit on the very left of the picture is Eminem, with all the requisite bling no less! Robert Nanamaker played the part to the hilt. Fo-shizzle.
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Georgia Tech vs. Clemson - Homecoming on The Flats, Oct 29, 2005
One of Shannon's students in the Freshman Orientation class, GT1000, with Buzz. I believe her name is Sam. She is corraling Buzz to come over to the stands for a picture.
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Nice moves, Buzz!
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Buzz and little guy, Ethan Polk, getting their picture taken during the game. Why does Georgia Tech seem to have about 30 different shades of "Old Gold"/Yellow for their various colors!!!???!!!
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"Go Jackets," says Buzz to Ethan!
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More Travel Adventures Coming Soon
Looks like Patrick and Shannon will be making a trip in Thailand! Patrick has to go on a business trip to Taiwan, southern China (Guangzhou) and northern China (Shanghai), then on to Thailand for the last leg of work stuff. Shannon has made it clear that she will NOT be left behind for the Thailand portion and will be stowing away in Patrick's luggage (or getting a frequent flyer ticket, whichever is easier). :-)
We're stoked!