Patrick, Shannon and Emma's PhotoBlog

Patrick Sullivan, Shannon Sullivan, and their daughter, Emma, of Atlanta, GA have created this little 'Blog to allow us to share our lives, news, photos and thoughts with our family and friends. We hope you enjoy this little introspection!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Is It Right That We Go To Chicago?

I wanted to post a note that I had written to my family before we left for Chicago . . . Katrina really hit home for Shannon and me, and we were very torn about making the trip this weekend to have so much fun, while others were struggling for their livelihood.

"Hello all,I'm not sure how many of you will see this before you actually leave on Friday a.m. for Chicago . . . Shannon and I are very excited about seeing everyone and eager to catch up after a long absence from many of you.However, we come to Chicago tomorrow with something of a dilemma and a heavyheart. Everyone has seen the devastation of this week in Louisiana and Mississippi. It is heartbreaking to see the results of this tragedy, along with some of the rawest of human emotions, actions and reactions on the TV, Internet and newspapers for the past 3 days.

Is it fair that we are the lucky ones to be able to go off on a great weekend in Chicago while there are hundreds of thousands of individuals that have no home to go to, perhaps lucky to have even a hotel to go to for an indefinite amount of time until something resembling a normal life comes back together? We are both struggling very hard with this concept and are wanting to do everything we can to help in any small way.

PLEASE understand that we don't want to cause any major disruptions, but wewanted to offer a suggestion: Instead of spending a night out on the town with a large dinner at a fancy restaurant on either Saturday or Sunday, can we choose one of those nights to do something low-key and, instead, donate that money to the American Red Cross or some other equitable charity of ourindividual choosing? This is completely voluntary . . . but we think that it is the very least that we can do to help out many people in the Gulf that do not have the choice to stay home for this holiday weekend, go to another city for a short vacation or much of anything else.

I plan to call Jim and Becky tonight in Chicago as well to get their thoughts and ideas on what we might be able to do with our plans. I'm not sure we could come to Chicago this weekend without at least putting the idea out there . . . We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday night.

With Much Love,
Pat & Shannon"


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